This report was generously funded by Te Manatū a Ture o Aotearoa, the New
Zealand Law Foundation. Our thanks to the Law Foundation Board and to NZLF
Executive Director Lynda Hagen. We also extend our thanks to the NZLF
Information Law and Policy Project Advisory Review Committee and the project
manager of ILAPP, Richman Wee.
Thank you to the University of Otago Faculty of Law and the New Zealand Law Foundation Centre for Law and Emerging Technologies for providing access to library resources during this research.
Thank you to the various people who have engaged with us or provided support in the course of producing this report. They have not seen the final report and any errors are attributable only to the authors.
Our thanks to Nadia Webster, Richard Wallace, Pim Willemstein, Nick Vaughan, Mariette Lokin, Meng Wong, Matthew Waddington, Laurence Diver, Dave Parry, Roopak Sinha, Joanna Pidgeon and Tim Jones for discussions during the course of this research. Thank you also to Paul Michel, Nick Nisbet, Jason Morris and Siobhan McCarthy for their responses to a case study shared during the research.
Produced with funding from the New Zealand Law Foundation Information Law and Policy Project.
March 2021, Auckland, New Zealand